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art store 藝術用品商店。

art ware

Dashan : yes . canada ' s aboriginal people make beautiful art . don ' t you remember ? we went to that wonderful native art store in vancouver . it had totem poles , masks , beadwork , basket and prints 大山:是的,加拿大的土著居民創造出了很精美的藝術品。你們還記得吧,我們在溫哥華去過的那家漂亮的土著工藝品商店。里面有圖騰柱、面具、鑲綴珠、籃筐以及版畫。

If the visitor to buy , can go to the craft art store and each big markets to go to , in addition the hunan road is how many the store is particularly this merchandise of camp 游客如果要買,可到工藝美術店和各大商場去,此外翠湖南路有若干店鋪專營這類商品。

To buy the weiqi of yunnan can arrive each big market and craft art stores 要買云南圍棋可到各大商場和工藝美術店。

Each big market and the craft art stores all sell in the city 在市內各大商場和工藝美術店均有賣。

In the big market and craft art store sell 在大商場和工藝美術店有售。